Our earth ecological crisis is reaching tipping point without any foreseeable capacity in world governments to save the planet for our future generations. To stay below 1.5°C goal global GHG emissions required reduction by 7.6 % each year between 2020 and 2030. This means existing 55.3 Gigatons of CO2e (55.3 GtCO2e) need to be 32 GtCO2e lower for the 1.5°C goal and there is no magic wand available to make such reductions. G20 members which account for 78 % of global GHG emissions are far from their 1.5°C goal. This is evident from the fact that GHG emissions have risen at a rate of 1.5 % per year in the last decade instead of reduction exposing the world’s so-called efforts and commitments to address climate change issue.
No country in the world is willing to sacrifice their economic gains obtained by ethical industrialization process but rather competing to exploit earth more in the race to become richer. Developed countries are asking emerging economies to do more and emerging economies are saying let us also exploit earth at your level for 200 years before we start reducing carbon pollution (GHG) as required by Paris Agreement. That was the reason Kyoto protocol never worked and any future agreement (recent UNFCCC COP-26 Conference in Glasgow in Nov 2021) under UN umbrella done by world politicians elected on 4-5 years cycle with short-term agenda to stay electable. Any sustainability effort fails since a company can only adopt climate change GHG reduction and sustainability practices at level that are being adopted by their competitors otherwise they will get out of business. That is the reason drastic GHG reduction required to meet 1.5°C goal cannot be achieved at business or country level.
The countries submitted Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and setting out their national targets for reducing greenhouse gases. Even if countries fully implement their NDCs—and take comparable action afterwards—the global temperature is expected to increase about 3.2°C by 2100 relative to pre-industrial levels, according to a recent UN Environment report.
Polar Design Studio is dedicated to help North American countries (Canada and US states) and developing countries (Middle East GCC countries and Pakistan) in measuring their GHG emissions and finding low hanging carbon offset reduction projects under COP-26 Article 6 (AR6ER) of new system of United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) being developed and will be enforced by 2023.
Our Carbon Off-set Project Development Services
Canada Federal and Provicial GHG compilation and Carbon off-set project , UNFCCC AR6ER CDM, California and The Climate Registry (TCR) protocol based Carbon Offset Projects Development Identifying, developing and implementing Clean Development Mechanism (AR6ER), California and TCR
protocol based GHG offset project from different sectors nationally and globally:
- CDM projects from process industry, biomass, landfill and biogas based CHP, solar PV and thermal renewable , energy efficiency, waste management
- GHG offset from power plant energy efficiency, co-firing (switch-grass, wood waste, LFG)
- LNG plant sour gas flare reduction, fertilizer industry emission reduction, oil refinery LPG enhanced recovery
- CDM Projects: perform project baseline, project emissions, return on investment (NPV, IRR) analysis, GHG reduction technology selection, writing PDD, developing project verification and monitoring plans
- GHG project feasibility, technical specification, implementation plan and project execution from design to commission stage.
- Developing and implementing The Climate Registry (TCR) based utility GHG plans. Facilitating all GHG third party verification audits for TCR.
More more detail go to our Polar Design Studio subsidiary page at http://www.polardesignstudio.com